
Poland, Pomerania and their neighbours' shaping of medieval European civilisation (10th-12th centuries) /

editor Stanisław Rosik ; University of Wrocław. Institute of History. Laboratory of Research on Early History of Central Europe.
Wrocław :
Uniwersytet Wrocławski : | University of Wrocław. Institute of History. Laboratory of Research on Early History of Central Europe,
377, [1] strona : fotografie, ilustracje, mapy ; 25 cm.
(Scripta Historica Europea ; 1)
brak wypożyczeń
Materiały z konferencji naukowej: Poland, Pomerania and their neighbours's shaping of medieval European civilisation before 1300, 16-18 listopada 2017 r., Wrocław. Rozdziały lub artykuły tej książki skatalogowano pod własnymi tytułami. Dostępne pod tytułem pracy zbiorowej.
Bibliografie przy niektórych referatach. Arkona, Białogard, Cedynia, Dęb- czyno, Kamień Pom., Kołobrzeg, Przytoń, Starogard Łobeski, Stolpe, Szczecin, Szczecinek, Usedom – Am Hain, Wolin, Żółte; rzeki: Odra, Parsęta, Rega, Słupia; Bałtyk. Rosik Stanisław, Wiślicz Tomasz, The scope of research in the context of the strategies implemented to date, 21–38; Migdalski Paweł, Medieval and early modern historiography on Polish-Pomeranian relations in the early Middle Ages, 42–110; Mrozowicz Wojciech, Excursus. On Early-Medieval Pomeranian Historiography, 111–119; Rosik Stanisław, From the world of sources to the world of tribes (prolegomena), 123–126; Bláhová Marie, Rosik Stanisław, The key to recognizing civilizational changes in the basin of the Vistula and Odra rivers in the Early Middle Ages. Civitas (from The Bavarian Geographer to Thietmar’s Chronicle), 127–137; Ręb- kowski Marian, The urbanization of Pomerania in the early Middle Ages, 137–145; Duczko Władysław, Foreigners in Pomerania and among the early piasts (interpretations of archaeological finds), 147–161; Moździoch Sławomir, Pleszczyński Andrzej, „Dangerous liaisons”. The coalescence of the Piast state seen against the background of relations between the interior and Pomerania, 163–224; Paroń Aleksander, Excursus. Santok and Milicz as gateways for the Piasts expansion beyond their Greater Poland homeland, 225–242; Rosik Stanisław, On the Baltic Sea under the Piasts’ rule at the end of the 10th c. St. Voytěch (Adalbert) in Gyddanyzc, 243–253; Rosik Stanisław, In the era of the Ottonian Renovatio Imperii Romanorum: Gniezno in the year 1000 and Aecclesia Salsae Cholbergiensis, 254–269; Rębkowski Marian, Christianity in Pomerania from the 10 th to the early 13 th century. An archaeological perspective, 270–280; Rosik Stanisław, Poland of the Piasts and the birth of Pomerania, 281–291; Paroń Aleksander, Pomerania within the Communicational Realm of an Intermarium, 295–321; Rębkowski Marian, Inside the turn- ing point. Towns and ducal power in Pomerania (11th c. – first half of the 12th c.), 326–329; Rosik Stanisław, The space of the turning point in the context of its neighbours. Pomeranian communities within the circle of the pagan “international”, 329–337; Rosik Stanisław, The first Pomeranian conquests in the era of Bolesław III the Wrymouth (in Gallus Anonymus’ view), 337–346; Rosik Stanisław, Crucial conquests, 346–357; Rosik Stanisław, Mission fields within the circle of Wrymouth’s expansion, 3576–362; Rosik Stanisław, Social premises for undertaking the mission in Pomerania (on the example of Wartislaw I’s duchy), 362–366; Rosik Stanisław, Otto of Bamberg’s missionary activity in western Pomerania, 367–378; Rosik Stanisław, Pagan reaction in towns in the Odra estuary and Christianization’s turning point in Pomerania, 379–382; Rębkowski Marian, The mission of Bishop Otto of Bamberg and its consequences, 383–389; Rębkowski Marian, End of the 12th century – first half of the 13th century. On the way to parishes, 389–393; Güttner-Sporzyński Darius von, Excursus. The conquest of Pomerania accord- ing to the anonymous author of the Gesta principum Polonorum, 394–402; Pauk Marcin R., The Pomeranian Church between Saxony, Poland, and Denmark. Signs of Christian acculturation in the 12th century, 403–470; Dalewski Zbigniew, Pomerania in the politics of the 12th century, 471–534; Migdalski Paweł, Excursus. The polish-pomeranian border in the 12 th century, 535–540; Pauk Marcin R., Excursus. Twelfth-century west pomeranian castellans. On the problem of polish structural influence, 541–550; Pleszczyński Andrzej, The Discovery and Perception of Pomerania by Latin-Language Authors up until the Late 12 th Century, 551–570; Rosik Stanisław, Gens Pomeranorum on the scene of history. The adoption of the pomeranians to the common memory of latin christianitas (11–12 th c.), 571–578; Rosik Stanisław, Conclu- sions, 579–593; Bibliography / Abbreviations / List of illustrations / Maps / Index of historical, mythical, biblical, and legendary figures, 295–700.
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Finansowanie: Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Część referatów w języku niemieckim.
978-83-955971-0-7 (oprawa miękka ; PBnWDEŚ UWr)
Dar_prof. Stanisław Rosik
4639 (to nie jest sygnatura)

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